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MLA Style: Home

This guide provides information on how to cite using MLA, 9th edition.

Purpose of the Guide

Welcome to the Shorter University Library MLA LibGuide! This guide provides information on using MLA style to cite sources, create a works cited page, and more. The MLA Handbook 9th Edition was published in 2021 and is the most recent edition.

The purpose of this guide is to serve as a starting point with MLA formatting. You will need to consult the handbook for more detailed information, which is available for checkout in the library

Library Catalog - MLA 9th Ed.

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Changes in the 9th Edition

There are few changes in the new 9th edition:

  1. More guidance on how to use MLA core elements to create a Works Cited list by explaining the definition of each element in different types of documents (it will not always be literal), where to find each element, and how to style it. The MLA 9 was designed so that the core element strategy will become even more accessible through more examples and explanations, such as how to use notes, websites, interviews, and YouTube videos. 
  2. A deeper dive into in-text citations, a category many users expressed struggles with.
  3. Reintroduction of MLA guidance on research papers, absent in MLA 8, with expanded instructions.
  4. A new chapter on inclusive language.
  5. Expanded guidelines on grammar mechanics.

MLA Style Essay Format (9th ed.) Video