Published in 1897, while systematic theology as a formal and modern discipline was still in it's nascency, Warfield makes an appeal to it's place amongst the other Christian disciplines. -
Robert Lewis Dabney (March 5, 1820 – January 3, 1898) was an American Christian theologian, a Southern Presbyterian pastor, and Confederate Army chaplain. He was also chief of staff and biographer to Stonewall Jackson. His biography of Jackson remains in print today.
Charles G. Finney was born in 1792, and trained as a lawyer before becoming one of America's foremost evangelists. Over one million people were converted under his ministry in an age that offered neither amplifiers nor mass communication tools. The principles he discovered concerning the principles of revival have been preserved and utilized by evangelists and missionaries alike through the centuries. Finney served as professor of Theology and President of Oberlin College in Ohio. -
The magnum opus of one of America's most prominent theologians offers an in-depth exploration of theology, anthropology, soteriology, and eschatology. This monumental work, now a standard for theological students, was written while Hodge served as a professor at Princeton, where he permanently influenced American Christianity as a teacher, preacher, and exegete. Includes a comprehensive index. -
John Miley (1813-1895) was a Methodist theologian, who also served as chair of systematic theology at Drew University. His Systematic Theology was used as a textbook in Methodist seminaries for decades. -
Ordained in 1842, Pope became a successful linguist and translator of German anti-rationalist critics. He taught at Didsbury Wesleyan College in Manchester, England from 1867 to 1886. His greatest work, Compendium of Christian Theology (1875-1876), set forth influential arguments for the "holiness doctrine of all Methodist systematic theology" and defended Methodist doctrine against its critics. -
A Compendium of Christian Theology Vol 2 (1877) by William Burt Pope
A Compendium of Christian Theology Vol 3 (1877) by William Burt Pope
This 19th century theological masterpiece includes lengthy discussions on the Trinity, Bibliology, Creation, and Theological Method. Every aspiring theological student or layperson looking to delve deeper into theology should start with this book! -
Augustus Hopkins Strong (3 August 1836 – 29 November 1921) was a Baptist minister and theologian who lived in the United States during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. His most influential book, Systematic Theology, proved to be a mainstay of Reformed Baptist theological education for several generations. -
Studies in Theology : Lectures delivered in Chicago Theological Seminary (1904) by James Denney